An Evening with the TAC – Mike Wilson

The Thames Anglers Conservancy were delighted to host an evening with Carp Angling Legend, Patron  and true gentleman Mike Wilson.
An audience of around 50 people enjoyed a historic journey through our sport blowing away many myths and probably creating more legends. We were delighted that TAC Patrons Ruth Lockwood and Terry Hearn came to the event and Mike enjoyed plenty of banter with another Carp legend Richie Macdonald.
Mikes presentation took in much of history of modern day Carp angling with the developments in tackle and baits from someone who was there in the pioneering days.
From early attempts at different baits including sprouts and potatoes to discovering corn and maize as devastating baits, to inventing the latching light on bite alarms which we all now take for granted.
From his time at Savay lake we were taken through the original stocking from Donald Leney of King Carp to the swims and the capture of some famous fish
Mike is pictured below on a rare (at that time) Thames Trip where he fished and caught for a tackle advert
70’s Thames Carp from Shillingford [Oxon]
Mike spent his pioneering years with the likes of Dick Walker and others and recounted many stories and tales from the time.
Mike sharing photos with Pete Stone, Gerry Berth-Jones, Fred Buller [ Fred J Taylor out of shot] About 1983
In a single evening there was simply not enough time to cover ever even a percentage of Mikes knowledge so we hope part two will take place later in the year.
A massive thank you Mike from all at the TAC
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