Richard Crimp

In the spring of 2014 founder member, TAC Treasurer and dear friend Richard Crimp passed away after a short illness.
Richard was one of the driving forces of the TAC, his passion for the river and protecting it was unbounded, this along with his vast knowledge of the flowing Thames.
He was not only a great conservationist and campaigner but also an angler of some repute, his list of species caught would grace any specimen hunters list.
Below are some articles written by Richard which shows his great understanding of the river and willingness to pass on that lifetime of knowledge.
We miss him greatly.

Richard Crimp, TAC Founder Member and Treasurer


1966 – 2014

Rest in Peace and god bless you

Carping on the River Thames – A Seasonal blog

Carping on the River Thames – A Seasonal blog (Part 2)

Carping on the River Thames – A Seasonal blog: The Finale